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Property Cleanups
Professional Property Cleanups
Be it spring or fall, a property cleanup is an important part of maintaining your property. Seasonal property cleanups are a breeze when you let Boscage Landscaping take care of it for you! When dead leaves and branches begin to accumulate, not only is it an eyesore, but it can cause grass to be harmed and makes a great hiding place for critters to live. Let our team take care of this problem for you and give your yard the refresh it needs. This service will also include cleaning out leaves & dead perennials in flower beds, performing any major pruning needed, and even disposing of your pumpkins from Halloween!

This service includes:
Removing leaves, sticks, walnuts, pine needles, and other debris from lawn and beds.
Cleaning gutters
Remove dead perennial debris.
*may be customized based on property's specific needs

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